Monday, December 3, 2012

Vitamins: “Why do we need them?”

Vitamin C:
This water-soluble vitamin is vital to the proper functioning of all sorts of bodily processes. According to nutritionists, it's used in the repair of bone, skin and connective tissues, and it helps maintain healthy teeth and gums. It also helps the body to absorb iron. If you don't get enough vitamin C, you can feel tired and weak, and suffer from dry hair and skin. If your deficiency is really severe, you can end up with scurvy, which can cause severe anemia and cause your teeth to fall out. Vitamin C is abundantly available in fruits and vegetables, and is often featured as a supplement in processed foods, especially drinks.,1326464014,64/stock-photo-structural-formula-of-vitamin-c-on-blackboard-with-orange-92638069.jpg

Vitamin B complex:
Vitamin B is actually a complex of eight vitamins, all of which are essential for good health. A whole raft of symptoms accompanies deficiency of the B complex, but the most common ones are chronic fatigue, heart palpitations, memory impairment, rashes, insomnia and mental uneasiness. Foods high in the B complex vitamins include fortified breakfast cereals and meats such as turkey and steak. Breads made with whole grains also contain B vitamins.
Vitamin A:
According to scientific study, deficiency in vitamin A is the leading cause of blindness among children in developing nations. This vitamin is essential in preserving the health of your eyes, and even mild deficiency can produce night blindness or impair the ability of your eyes to adapt to the dark. It's also essential to the functioning of the immune system, and helps fight against infections. Vitamin A is present in highest concentrations in yellow and orange vegetables such as carrots and sweet potatoes, but also in leafy greens. Cod liver oil is an excellent source of vitamin A, as are dairy products.


  1. Links:

  2. thanks for the feed back! I like how you incorporated examples, with each of the vitamins that you mention. You give good detail as to what can happened if there is a lack of certain vitamins, which is really helpful; as well as giving tips as to how you can decrease your chances of getting these certain diseases.

  3. This is a very interesting post about vitamins. During the winter my hair tends to become slightly dry- maybe I need more vitamin c! You listed many sources that we can all recognize. Knowing these things will help us recognize what vitamins are in which foods we are eating and what they can do for us.
