Saturday, November 30, 2013

Breast Feeding: Friend or Foe?

Breast  Feeding...Taboo? Many moms are judged for breast feeding in public but is this really bad? Breast feeding provides a connection between mother and new born. So breast feeding..I think yes
Mom PROS: 
  • With breast feeding mom lose weight that has been gained throughout their pregnancy
  • Have I mentioned it provides a bond between mom and infant, a bond that lasts a life time 
  • It's FREE!! Breast milk is from the mom and not from some food brand that is overpriced AND it's always on hand
  • It reduces the risk of breast cancer which can affect many women 
  • Breast feeding aids in post-partum depression that can happen after the pregnancy and severely affect the mother-child bond

The immunity provided in breast milk is also very important. Mainly because of the colostrum which provides the infant with antibodies not available in artificial milk or formula milk. Many moms agree that this is why breast feeding is better for their child. The antibodies are also easier to digest than the formula milk. The formula milk might have more vitamins and minerals but it is hardest to digest than the breast milk that might not have as many. 

Colostrum transforms into what is called mature milk this milk with time has the right amount of fat, sugar, water and proteins to help the infant grow and be healthy. And although babies only get a small amount of colostrum at each feeding it amounts into what their tiny stomachs can take to make them healthy. The amount of antibodies in the milk aids against illness for the infant. At times it protects against type II diabetes and childhood leukemia which formula-fed babies aren't protected against. Learn more about protection here

In recent studies breast feeding has been linked to higher IQs in later childhood. Researchers from Boston have conducted rigorous studies with over 1,312 babies and mothers. Recording the amount of time spent breast feeding, if the child spent time in daycare and also how much fish the moms ate. Since omega-3 can be found in fish oils that enhance the brains development. The longer a mother breast feeds the higher a kid of 3 years would get on a vocabulary. So can breast feeding improve the IQ?  It would be safe to say that what the mother consumed throughout the pregnancy is a major role in this discussion. 

1 comment:

  1. This post made the positive effects of breast feeding even more clear to me! Thinking globally, more Moms need to read posts like these because I think that the main problem is that they are unaware how beneficial breastfeeding can be. If we could raise global awareness of breastfeeding, we could have a healthier generation to come.
