Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Gluten free: Is it just another fad?

We all know somebody who has chosen to go Gluten free. Lately it seems to be the in thing to do. So is  gluten free just another diet fad like the others? Or is this diet different? Read to find out. 

Let's take a look at the pros and cons 


  • If you have a gluten intolerance or sensitivity, you may have inflammation or damage to the intestinal tract. Eating gluten free can help reverse this damage and inflammation.
  • Leads to a healthier diet filled with less processed foods
  • Introduces higher quality grains, like quinoa, into your diet


  • Possible weight gain from eating gluten-free products, which often contain higher levels of fat and sugar
  • Possible weight gain as the intestinal track recovers and begins to absorb nutrients properly
  • Possible weight loss and consumption of a nutrient deficient diet from eliminating too many foods for fear of a negative reaction
* When thinking about going gluten free take into consideration the proteins you may be missing out on. Such as reduced carbohydrate intake due to lack of education on nutrients and lack of fiber from traditional sources can lead to digestive issues

Gluten free diets aren't only an option for those who have a gluten allergy or Celiac Disease.  Gluten free diets are becoming a popular way to loose weigh. So does taking gluten out of your diet really make you loose weight? 

Liz Neporent has an interesting take on the gluten free fad. In her article, "Gluten-Free Diets No Help in Losing Weight," She states that the weight loss comes from reducing calories, not the absence of gluten. According to nutritionist, Jennifer Nelly, while on a gluten free diet you have fewer choices and tend not to eat as much

According to Cynthia Sass in her article, The Worst Gluten-Free Mistakesthe weight loss from a gluten free diet  is generally caused by giving up foods that contain gluten, which are loaded with dense amounts of refined carbs, like bagels, pasta, crackers, pretzels and baked goods. Getting rid of  these foods altogether, or replacing them with more veggies and healthy gluten-free whole grains, like quinoa and wild rice, automatically cuts excess carbs (which may have been feeding fat cells), ups fiber and nutrients, and results in soaring energy. 

So it looks like Gluten doesn't directly effect your weight loss. It just tends to be that there is a positive correlation between foods that have a lot lot of gluten and foods that are full of carbohydrates. Don't get me wrong though. Gluten free diets are very beneficial to one's health especially if you suffer from celiac disease or gluten allergies. 

                         What can you eat on a gluten free diet? 

It may seem like there isn't a wide variety of gluten free products out there, but the more popular the gluten free diet is becoming the more gluten free products are sold. These products even include bread and pasta. Don't worry because there are foods that you are probably used to eating and won't have to cut out of your diet. These foods include Beans, seeds,  natural nuts, fresh eggs, fresh meats, fruits, vegetables, and most dairy products. 

What is the verdict on 

Gluten Free?  

I would say that Gluten free diets aren't really diets at all. Gluten free is a lifestyle and for those who are willing and ready for a lifestyle change gluten free is a great way to go. With all that being said, a gluten free diet isn't for everyone. Most people don't have celiac diesease and aren't  allergic to gluten. Maybe all you need to do is replace foods like white bread with hearty whole grain versions, which may include spelt (in the wheat family), and rye (which, while not wheat, also contains gluten). If you don't have celiac disease or gluten intolerance, these swaps may make you feel great, and lead to weight loss, because trading refined grains for whole grains ups your intake of fiber, boosts satiety, so you feel fuller longer, and better regulates blood sugar and insulin levelsConsult a doctor or nutritionist before going gluten free and weigh out the pros and cons. It seems to be that gluten itself doesn't necessarily effect weight loss. I think that this would be a great question to ask again once there has been more research done on the tops. 

Above is a video from a girl who discovered she was  allergic to gluten. She talks about how a gluten free diet has positively affected her life. 

Remember No Wheat doesn't mean no sweets! Here's a link to some great gluten free recipes including pumpkin pie, just in time for the Holidays! Wheat free recipes!



  1. This was a very interesting blog Avery. Several people I know in the past year or so have discovered that they are gluten intolerant; and therefore, gone gluten free. They say they feel so much better, like the girl in the video, and have so much more energy. In return, I was under the impression that going gluten free can only do good things for your body. I liked that you presented a different side as well, though, about how going gluten free can have negative effects too, especially if it is not handled correctly. Also, you said that cutting down on gluten shows a positive correlation in also cutting out the foods with alot of fat and sugars, which I thought was a neat correlation to keep in mind. Last, the girl in the video said that going gluten free "changed her life", and you brought up that going gluten free is a life change moreso than a diet. I really liked how you made and reiterated this point because in fact it is a life change. It changes the foods you eat, the way you feel, and in reality benefits you based on how you maintain your health despite going gluten free. Thanks for this insight!

  2. This definitely changes my opinion of gluten free diets. Which I used to think we're just another form of losing weight but with this insight I now see that it's a life choice and form of living not just some diet

  3. What an interesting blog post! My mom went on a wheat-free diet, and she also said it changed her life! She said she doesn't get hungry as often as when she was still eating wheat, and that she doesn't even crave it anymore! I like how you mentioned the article by Liz Neporant about how the weight loss on these diets comes from the cutting calories, not the elimination of wheat itself, because that is a common misconception! I also liked how you listed the cons, because most diets have many possible consequences that you should look out for! Nice post Avery!

  4. This was really interesting! I know many people who have a gluten free diet and they all say that it has changed their lives. They aren't hungry as often and they feel better in the long run. I also thought it was interesting about how you said that being vegan was a life style change and not a diet. Very interesting Avery!

  5. Very interesting blog post, Avery! My siblings went on gluten free diets for a little while, sadly that didn't last very long. I've actually heard of many people who have gone on gluten free diets in order to loose weight, but that it also changed their lives! I know many children who cannot consume gluten, whether they want to or not. I think it is very interesting how you spoke of it being a lifestyle and for those willing to take on the challenge of not consuming products that contain gluten. Good job!
