Thursday, October 18, 2012

Nutrition Of The Brain

Before a big test I always forget everything that I had learned. Yes, I do study but it seems to me that without food, the energy source for a brain, I seem to never concentrate. I researched what is good to eat in order to have some good need brain power. I came across this article that explains that complex carbs are good to eat before a big test. coffee as well but coffee has a bad side effect and can, if taken too much, make you at first not be able to concentrate and second tired. As well it explains that too many carbs can have the same effect as coffee and make you sleepy which would not be good on a big test. these foods are for short term benefits and i’m guessing carbs are the best because they are a ready energy source for the body.
For long term memory an article that I found suggest eating foods that contain vitamin B. Vitamin B have been proven to enhance the nervous system in both memory and alertness. I have found this study that says that Vitamin B12 is mostly found in seafood like oysters, clams, and mussels.As I noticed from the chart it shows that the top 6 foods are fish. Who would have thought so? Now you know that seafood should be part of your diet but, like everything else, if in excess can lead to trouble. Well you see, salt water fish have mercury in them and mercury is bad for a human’s health. Mercury is needed in the body but only in really small amounts. Too much fish can lead to neurological problems since mercury hurts the nervous system.
    Another nutrient that helps brain alertness is Omega- 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 Fatty acids are essential to the human body but the problem is that the body does not actually produce it. We have to eat food to get Omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 Fatty acids help the brain be more concentrated and be alert. Most foods that Have Omega 3 are seafood and it has been said to help reduce the risk of heart disease. As well as Omega 3 the body needs antioxidants . Antioxidants help the brain fight oxidants the can wear out cells. You can get most of your Antioxidants by eating dark fruits and vegetables like apples, plums, and cherries. Eating fruits and vegetables also help because it keeps the body healthy with vitamins and nutrients.

In this article it questions how much fish you can eat before getting mercury poisoning. there are many factors that can contribute to the amount of fish you can eat like your weight, height, and age. It also tells that it is hard to tell how much you can really eat and that the best way to determine is by looking at the Government recommendations.

This Video is about an author of a book about nutrition. She gives her opinions on how to keep both the brain and the human body.



  1. Carlos,
    What would you suggest as a good pre-test meal (breakfast the morning of or dinner the night before) if you do not like fish or other seafood?

  2. There are many people in the world that hate seafood but I think it taste awesome.Just for curiosity why do you hate fish? well answering your question the best thing behind fish/seafood are beef, cheese, and yes, The liver. Eating this alongside other healthy foods like fruits and vegetables are the best bet to help you with your test. But not only should you eat this before a test but in a daily basis since it will improve your health.

    1. I hate fish because it tastes fishy and I do not like things that live in the water. So you are telling me that I should eat a liver?? I'm not sure I would like that either. I love cheese though so I'm sure I could get sufficient protein from that, as well as the beef...thanks!!

  3. Carlos, I found this post very interesting.... I was not aware that food could effect your test taking so much. Of course, food is important to be healthy and alert, but I had no idea of what specific foods did that. Did you happen to have any research on foods that make you have a better memory? I remember once on yahoo health news reading that blueberries were good for your memory.... just a random little fact...

    Kenzie Mabrey

  4. Carlos, I found this post very informative and interesting. I have often had nothing more than a protein drink in the morning because I never knew how important and helpful eating certain foods could be, but this makes sense. However, I am a vegetarian and cannot eat any meat/seafood. Can you suggest any foods besides cheese that would benefit me before a test?

  5. I like how fish can actually help you concentrate because of the Omega-3 fatty acids. I didn't think that cherries would have antioxidants until when I read this article. This info really makes sense now. Thanks for posting it.

    Erick Gill

  6. I like how fish can actually help you concentrate because of the Omega-3 fatty acids. I didn't think that cherries would have antioxidants until when I read this article. This info really makes sense now. Thanks for posting it.

    Erick Gill
