Sunday, October 14, 2012

Why is Water so Important?

          Water is essential for life in humans, animals, and plants. It is also the most important nutrient that our body needs, it is one of natures most important molecule too. Water makes up 70% of the earths surface and 75% of our bodies. With out it we wouldn’t be able to survive. People take advantage of how easy it is for us to access clean water because in some countries people walk for miles to get water, and its not even clean. Having running water is a privilege that most of the world takes for granted. 
          Water is also a vital part of restoring fluids lost during exercise. Because dehydration can cause you to get very sick. Especially in young children. A common misconception about fluid restoration is that the substitution of sports drinks for water giving you the same effect. But it is actually worse because the sports drinks have a lot of sugar, and glycemic carbohydrates which elevate blood pressure and can cause potential weight gain. 
         Water is one of the most common molecules for supporting life. Especially in aquatic organisms. For example in the winter when the lakes start to freeze the top will freeze but the bottom wont sustaining a habitat for fish and other species. Surface tension allows for small insects to walk across the surface of water whether it be a puddle or a pond. Water has a High Specific Heat Capacity, it keeps things at just the right temperature, an example of this would be sweating.

Water pollution is a growing problem around the world.

Below is an article talking about Japans latest set back due to water pollution because of water escaping from a nuclear  plant and then washing into the ocean. This disaster has effected the fisherman, aquatic animals, and the water now has radioactive cesium in it.

Americans need to start conserving water because we use so much of it. Here are some water conservation facts that people need to be more aware of. 

My favorite Lakes are the Great lakes because of the story and science behind how they were formed. Below is a interesting video on the history of the great lakes.


Author: Kittie Feiber


  1. What are some ways we could make clean water available to people in third world countries who wouldn't normally have access to it? When I went on a camping trip we purified our water with drops of iodine. Do you think it would be possible to distribute iodine widely? How expensive is iodine?

    1. We can make clean water available to people in third world countries through innovative inventions and aquatic plants that purify water. Below are 2 links one is about the aquatic plants that purify water and the other is 6 new inventions that are helping third world countries get clean drinking water.

      Iodine can help in some situations but in others the places where the water comes from is to contaminated iodine couldn't get rid of all the bacteria and all the unwanted parasites.

    2. I had no idea some water was too contaminated to be cleaned by iodine! Thanks for the information, I think the plants that can purify water are very interesting. Instead of building machines to purify water in areas that cannot afford them or do not have electricity, you could simply distribute the seeds of these water-purifying plants.

  2. Thanks for this great post, i find it very interesting and very well thought out and put together. I look forward to reading your work in the future. water extraction
